Terms and Condition

Terms and Condition

(Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy)

Please read the following rules carefully before signing in

Foxram is an online platform which provides the services to users registered on the website. The website is accessible via Hedge Investments Limited. The user is obliged to direct any statements in connection with the Service Provider’s activities to this entity and contact with the Service Provider is possible via the online form available on the website or directly at [email protected]

The Registration, Agreement and Verification
  1. The Agreement may be concluded by natural persons, legal persons and other organizational units to whom the law assigns legal capacity. The age of adulthood is determined by the law of the User’s country of origin. Registration is free and the User gains access to the functionality of the website. In case of doubt as to the age of the User, the Service Provider may verify it by requesting the submission of relevant supporting documents.
  2. User can register more than one account on the Website.
  3. By the registration on the website, through fulfilling the form, accepting the checkboxes and confirming his/her data, the User concludes the electronic services agreement, accepts the available Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, and in particular: 1) The scope of provided Services; 2) No need to invite a new person to the website; 3) The terms and conditions of payments; 4) Lack of profit guarantee, potential risk arising from cryptocurrency services purchase; 5) The exclusive statutory (not applicable to contract law - § 3.15) right to withdraw from the agreement due to digital data provision (services available on the Website) and a possible situation in which profits (commissions) depend on fluctuations on the cryptocurrency market, over which the Service Provider has no control.
  4. The registration itself does not require any fees, the User decides about withdrawals or purchases the Service. The Service Provider declares, and the User acknowledges that the Service Provider does not carry out any fundraising activity in order to encumber the risk of such funds.
  5. A purchase of the program available on the Website. Activities of the company shall not be seen as investment advice or recommendation from the Service Provider aiming at purchasing, selling or holding a particular asset. The Company is not registered as an investment advisor.
  6. The User is obliged to provide correct and real data in the Form. In case of justified doubts about the authenticity of the provided data, the Service Provider reserves the right to suspend the activation of the account.
  7. As a part of providing data by the User within the Website, and in particular during verification, the Service Provider may request the following type of information, out of many: 1) first and last name; 2) phone number; 3) type of an account: a) private; b) business - in that case the Service Provider may request additional data indicated in the form and sending to the Service Provider appropriate documents indicated in the form to complete further verification;
  8. In case of a private account (of a natural person) provided data my concern: 1) name and surname; 2) citizenship, 3) identification number of civil register or birth date if such a number is not used in a User’s country, 4) number of a document confirming an identity of a person, 5) address of residence - in case of having such information by the authorities
  9. In case of a business account (of a company, legal person or an entity which does not have a legal personality): 1) name (of a company); 2) organization form, 3) address of the registered office or address of business activity, 4) Tax Identification Number and in case of lack of such a number - a country of registration, commercial register as well as the number and dates of registration, 5) identification data, under (6) of a representative person, who represents legal person or an entity which does not have a legal personality.
  10. The Service Provider may introduce additional security methods for an account, including procedure connected with the Google Authenticator application or similar.
  11. Every account registered on the Website shall be subject to additional two-staged verification on the basis of the compliance of the owner personal data. Verification shall be performed by the Service Provider based on a sent scan of the User's identity document (identity card, passport) and a document confirming the place of residence: bill for telecommunications service or utilities (gas, electricity), or other appropriate, approved by the Service Provider. If it is necessary to obtain special information, including in particular a confirmation of data by the state authorities, the time of the account verification may be extended appropriately for the time needed. The account verification shall be performed, in particular, in case of the Withdrawal order.
  12. The User acknowledges and agrees, that in connection to AML procedure (preventing money laundering and financing terrorism), the Service Provider may demand to verify the User at any time of his/her activity. Lack of verification, confirmed by documents, may result in suspension or removal of the account, including a write-off of collected funds.
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  15. The Service Provider having reviewed provided data, may reject the registration of the User on the basis of low credibility of provided data by the User or demand to produce additional documents, including especially a photo of the User holding the said documents, or a photo of the User presenting in the background a well-known place from the area of User’s place of residence (up to 15 km).